Praise the Lord for random urges to frolic, frisk about fearlessly and leap in joyful spirits . This song seems appropriate for every mirthful occurrence of the past week. When one loses one blessing, another is usually, unexpectedly lurking around the corner ready to take its place. Thank you Jesus for a big family, for an amazing Grandpa, snow, rain, sunshine and all (you know my heart, Jesus). I love that you care so much for us and are always present. Nothing compares to the jubilant experiences that I encounter with you near. The energy unleashed in your company is mind-boggling. PRAISE THE LORD! Amen!
Usually if one is not 'feeling' a certain way that they desire to, then act in a manner which produces such aspired emotions.
You aren't happy?!'s a novel idea, put on your happy pants and bouncing boots then leap like a bunny or skip shamelessly up the streets/sidewalks. If you're bold enough to go public with this action, then go for it. It'll make others smile which usually causes a personal grin...Or you could dance to this song or practice the swing dancing moves to some jazzy melodies. Whatever is on your heart, really will do.
Honestly, I have no particular reason for experiencing the joyous emotions, but that's part of the package of wanders unraveled on a daily/weekly basis. Eventually your emotions will follow the activities that you partake in. Not always, but usually!
Experiences alter as I get older. My siblings aren't able to be with me in all events as they used to be. As a result I am doing the activities by myself or am perhaps accompanied by my parents. Post consuming snow or taking to the streets and frolicking, the joyous personality sky rockets to unfathomable heights (praise the Lord for this!). Changes suck (depending on what they are). This is my personal perception, but amidst them all I've been able to break off a branch of fear and move forward.
Unfavorable events will play out but there's never a sequel to this life. There are upcoming chapters, however that will help determine the ultimate ending. What are you allowing to be imprinted on the pages? How is the tale impacting the world?
Despite what you may perceive there are surrounding people. Although some are silenced observers, there will be an audience of readers to the book that is being conformed. There have been numerous folks that I don't know who've come up to me at my school in the hall, during lunch and occasionally in the midst of class and they'll say, "hey, I've been watching you and think _____ about you" (usually complementing my hair or apparel.). I don't verbalize this fact, but usually the ball of curiosity rolling about in my brain is, "Who the heck are you?". These events begun at the end of my junior high years and have continued to occasionally occur throughout the past 4-5 years.
Therefore, what response is produced by the onlookers of your life? The audience won't always speak of their observations to the decisions you make and voice their opinions towards how 'great you look' on a particular day. This doesn't/shouldn't disclaim the fact that they remain watching you or are thinking certain thoughts of you, though.
The crucial point is that the adventures, spontaneous activities that you partake in and speeches that you make are being monitored. The audience notices when you are unhappy yet are partaking in various actions that doesn't seem practical for your 'emotional state'. I don't recognize that on days when I'm upset, how notably obvious my attitude is until someone will promenade up to me and venture towards inquiring about my life...'Em, you don't seem alright. You ok?'...'Uhhhhh, didn't realize it was that obvious...Frickadink!'. I hate purposefully displaying an unpleasant personality to make folks sympathetic for me. This desire is not one that is consistently victorious (body language- talk isn't the only form of communication).
(I put my faith in a friend to know me well enough and recognize when I'm upset. My mind says that, 'hey if you care enough, you would notice, and I shouldn't have to voice what I'm thinking/feeling'. This is a lofty position to stand in. It inevitably stirs up disappointment, because humans fail to exceed all expectations, but then I end up with God... Nevertheless it's not a fair pedestal to place my pals, and family members on).
When one displays unlikely behavior it is noticed and therefore the source of it is questionable. Why are you so crazy happy when ______ is happening? Oh, I have no idea... Maybe JESUS?!
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