My Daddy's Response To A Prayer:
Emily, a blessing is anything that you have, but shouldn't,. Both of your Grandmothers have died. You shouldn't have experienced a relationship with a grandma, but with me, because of me, you do! You shouldn't have a sisterly figure to look at, and go out with daily, weekly, or monthly since Mary isn't near, but I've given you Christina (sisters best friend- a constant influence), Jessica, Jennifer, Erica, Suzannah, Jordyn, Bethany (leaders and friends)...You shouldn't have your mother. Without me- the Father who knows what's best for his beloved child- in existence and control over your life, none of these would have been. My daughter, a blessing is something you couldn't have without me!
Unexplainable Joy
Incomprehensible Peace
Grief/sorrow for surrounding people/world (depending on circumstances, beliefs and all)
Hankering to Pray
Unique Spiritual Gifts
Personal Love Languages
Defying Talents
Close Relationship with your Sister
Brothers who are: Protective, diligent workers who love on you, laugh with you and accompany you on spur-of-the-moment, occasionally planned-in-advance outings.
Spiritual sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers and grandmothers- leaders, mentors, teachers- constantly spiritually and emotionally encouraging and challenging
All blessings would cease to exist without your all-knowing, omnipotent and enduring presence. Thank you Jesus for your mighty abilities to provide me with all that I need. I praise you for never ceasing to exceed all personal expectations. YOU are a blessing to know and have a relationship with. Thank you for being a constant daddy, an everlasting comforter, a renewal-of-peace-maker, healer and all. Amen!
“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.”
― C.S. Lewis
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