This post is dedicated to my beloved grandma. Her name was Verna Eubank :) Born on August 23, 1928, and passed away November 28, 2011.
Yesterday was crazy! My mama phoned me while I was in the midst of shooting a roll of film for my upcoming photography class. She sent me a message and called to tell me that I needed to take her to the airport pronto. Her mom wouldn't make it past the today (which was yesterday).
While in the car, she was frantically calling her brothers and father. Her desire was to make it there before her mom met Jesus. She made it there about an hour late...
There's a big age gap between my older siblings and I. They would have more stories to share and memories to store. I loved her to pieces. She was a spunky, blue-eyed brunette. My brothers and sister may have the majority of favorite treasured times tucked in their hearts, but I have her looks. Each of my brothers and sister are green/hazel eyed brown haired beauties, but oh no, not me!!! I have her blue eyes..and fine dark hair like the rest of my siblings. I still have her eyes though, right???
My grandma was sassy and I loved her to pieces.
Dear Jesus, please give her a bouquet of balloons from my stash up there. I pray for peace over each of my family members. Clothe my mom with strength, and keep her safe during her travels. Allow your comfort to encompass us. Prepare our hearts for what is to come.
-Love your daughter, Emily Ann Bachand
Dear Grandma, have a joyous time frolicking with Jesus.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Simply an observation: Emotional responses vary depending upon the event that takes place. It's interesting to discover the reaction one exposes after the unwrapping of an incomprehensible and seemingly unbearable happening. How a person reacts may alter despite the fact that the occurrence may scrounger up the same ending...
Here is some more music to add to your playlist. The facebook link is a new song by Jimmy Needham. He introduced it at a concert I attended a few weeks ago and so the melodious tune is just a recording. It lasts for about a minute. This newly composed piece, "If I Ever Needed Grace" will be released on his next album (coming out in March???) and so there is no full version of it (sorry). I had to post my recording of the song basically since I couldn't discover any others. The link for youtube will point you directly towards a song that never ceases to be loved by me. Hillsong United, baby! One of the most marvelous worship bands. Have a joyous time listening to them.!/photo.php?v=176704632424101&set=vb.100002536970092&type=2&theater
Thank you for making my life and not just my day. You are too good. You always remain with us LORD. I praise you for that overwhelming fact. Prepare our hearts for the days to come and give each individual incomprehensible strength to persevere through any impending challenges that may arise. Amen!
Here is some more music to add to your playlist. The facebook link is a new song by Jimmy Needham. He introduced it at a concert I attended a few weeks ago and so the melodious tune is just a recording. It lasts for about a minute. This newly composed piece, "If I Ever Needed Grace" will be released on his next album (coming out in March???) and so there is no full version of it (sorry). I had to post my recording of the song basically since I couldn't discover any others. The link for youtube will point you directly towards a song that never ceases to be loved by me. Hillsong United, baby! One of the most marvelous worship bands. Have a joyous time listening to them.!/photo.php?v=176704632424101&set=vb.100002536970092&type=2&theater
Thank you for making my life and not just my day. You are too good. You always remain with us LORD. I praise you for that overwhelming fact. Prepare our hearts for the days to come and give each individual incomprehensible strength to persevere through any impending challenges that may arise. Amen!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Worship; The Unraveling of Mirth
What do I enjoy most about attending church? The worship! That's what triggers my emotional response to the occurrences of a day. It is in song that He appears most vividly to me. During melodious worship I learn what it's like to serve Him to the fullest on a daily basis throughout the week. By encountering God in an intimate and private setting I'll be able to recognize what it's like to worship Him through my thoughts, actions and speech while in public. I have NO musical talent yet my love for music/worship is great.
Perhaps the mirth that is unraveled in the midst of worship contributes to my lack of resistance towards posting a wondrous song. All of this to introduce a newly beloved melody... Here's another tune by Shawn McDonald, my friend. He's singing, "Here I Am", so enjoy this tune; "Smile and be merry!" (quoted/written by a friend) as the song plays wherever you may be.
Perhaps the mirth that is unraveled in the midst of worship contributes to my lack of resistance towards posting a wondrous song. All of this to introduce a newly beloved melody... Here's another tune by Shawn McDonald, my friend. He's singing, "Here I Am", so enjoy this tune; "Smile and be merry!" (quoted/written by a friend) as the song plays wherever you may be.
Everything on earth will worship you; they will sing your praises, shouting your name in glorious songs.”Psalm 89:15
Psalm 95:6
Psalm 100:2
Romans 12:1
Show Spelled [wur-ship]
Show IPA noun, verb, -shiped, -ship·ing or ( especially British
) -shipped, -ship·ping.
Psalm 89:15
Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, Lord.
Psalm 95:6
Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker,
Psalm 100:2
Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy.
Romans 12:1
[ A Living Sacrifice to God ] And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
This is a definition...not a scripture from the Bible (just clarifying) :)
1. reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.
2. formal or ceremonious rendering of such honor and homage: They attended worship this morning.
3. adoring reverence or regard: excessive worship of business success.
4. the object of adoring reverence or regard.
5. ( initial capital letter
) British . a title of honor used in addressing or mentioning certain magistrates and others of high rank or station (usually preceded by Your, His, or Her ).
verb (used with object)
6. to render religious reverence and homage to.
7. to feel an adoring reverence or regard for (any person or thing).
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Music; it can do a lot...
I know that blogs are used for writing, but sometimes your feelings can be unraveled in the lyrics of a song. Every now and then listening to melodious piece can determine your mood. My all time favorite artist is Jimmy Needham. I discovered him singing this cheerful song. It made me happy. So here's a song that enhanced my mirthful spirit. It may even revive a yearning to shamelessly dance. Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Experiencing to Fullest
The second link will lead you to "Open Me" sung by Shawn McDonald (sorry it's repeated). The first link plays a song by Jesus Culture, called "Dance With Me" (the first link). It paints an intimate setting that one can experience with God. You should listen to these before, during or after you read this post.
Perhaps the reason for experiencing God’s comforting presence for only a moment is due to the fact that I come with limited expectations. It’s not a sustaining feeling because I come asking to receive the peace that is unraveled in his abiding company. He’s defined as a husband too, yet I’ve given up pursuit of that characteristic. It’s a personality that frees an entirely new side of Him.
I’ve been viewing him only as a daddy; seeking refuge in His expanding arms. I haven’t confided entirely in Him. Swarming thoughts are rarely unleashed in our conversations. I set my worries aside; I think of them, but rarely speak of them out loud. Praying over other situations and for various friends and family members become my priority as we talk. I’ve neglected to reveal my personal thoughts and emotions to Him verbally until they’ve overwhelmed me. My perspective puts limitations on who God really is and all that He is capable of doing.
There are numerous passages in the Bible when God is illustrated as our Father. Each of us- you and I, are painted as his children. A child is usually discovered in the protective embrace of a father. A dad oversees the actions of his beloved children, protects, comforts, and disciplines each of them accordingly. These traits are revealed to be of God throughout the scriptures. In Hosea a new perspective is scrounged up. His love is also displayed in a manner that is similar to that of a husband’s.
This love is portrayed through “faithfulness” and “compassion”. When someone gets married his or her significant other becomes his or her confidant. The pair gradually reach an intimate level of communication; they confide in each other; a characteristic of God’s (a husband) that I’ve yet to take advantage of.
The last song ignited a vision beaming with clarity. Chasing after God’s presence is always an important quest to partake in. Once He’s discovered, embracing the comfort that exudes in his mighty company is a desire that claims victory over my actions. Surrendering any saddening discoveries, or joys of mine will provide an opening for the unwrapping of long lasting fulfillment. By capitulating my entire self to Him; allowing Him to “open me”; my eyes, ears, mind, and heart, I’ll be able to experience His ability to provide me with everything to the fullest.
Romans 8:14-19 “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, ‘Abba, Father’. For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.”
Galatians 4:6 “And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, ‘Abba, Father’. Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.”
Hosea 2:16 & 19-20 “ ‘When that day comes,’ says the LORD, ‘you will call me ‘my husband’ instead of ‘my master’… “I will make you my wife forever, showing you righteousness and justice, unfailing love and compassion. I will be faithful to you and make you mine, and you will finally know me as the LORD.”
Isaiah 54:5-6 “For your Creator will be your husband; the LORD of Heaven’s Armies is his name! He is your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, the God of all the earth. For the LORD has called you back from your grief- as though you were a young wife abandoned by her husband,’ says your God”
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Shawn Mcdonald: Open Me lyrics
Would You open up eyes, so I can see
Would You open up my ears, so I can hear
Would You open up my mind, so I can know
Would You open up my heart, so could love You more
I want to serve You, my God
I want to give everything
I want to serve You, my King, yeah
I want to serve You, my Lord
I want to give You everything, yeah
Here I am with my arms open wide
Asking for You to come up, up inside
Won't You make me new, won't You make me true
Jesus, won't You make me like You, oh
Will You touch my eyes so I can see
Will You touch my ears so I can hear
Will You touch my mind so I can know
Will You touch my heart so I can love You more
Won't You open me
Won't You open me, open me
Won't You open me, open me
Won't You open me, open me
Won't You open me, open me
Click on the link and listen to the song. This came on while I was doing my devotions the other day. I had purchased it just moments before without listening to it fully. It opened up my eyes, and may have produced some tears...I was able to recognize some personal things in my relationship with God. I'll save my discoveries for perhaps my next post. For now, just listen to the music and hopefully the meaning will penetrate your heart as it did mine.
Would You open up eyes, so I can see
Would You open up my ears, so I can hear
Would You open up my mind, so I can know
Would You open up my heart, so could love You more
I want to serve You, my God
I want to give everything
I want to serve You, my King, yeah
I want to serve You, my Lord
I want to give You everything, yeah
Here I am with my arms open wide
Asking for You to come up, up inside
Won't You make me new, won't You make me true
Jesus, won't You make me like You, oh
Will You touch my eyes so I can see
Will You touch my ears so I can hear
Will You touch my mind so I can know
Will You touch my heart so I can love You more
Won't You open me
Won't You open me, open me
Won't You open me, open me
Won't You open me, open me
Won't You open me, open me
Click on the link and listen to the song. This came on while I was doing my devotions the other day. I had purchased it just moments before without listening to it fully. It opened up my eyes, and may have produced some tears...I was able to recognize some personal things in my relationship with God. I'll save my discoveries for perhaps my next post. For now, just listen to the music and hopefully the meaning will penetrate your heart as it did mine.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Joyous Delight
Unexplainable joy that cannot be contained within comes from none other but Jesus! It exudes uncontrollable spurts of mere frolicking. Experiencing incomprehensible eruptions of jubilance must be exuded through actions and/or laughter. When a person soaks up love that God drenches them with in various ways there can be sporadic outbursts of joy. Events, conversations and readings are contributing factors to a person’s emotional response to all of the occurrences that consist of a single day. Occasionally the reasoning for the freeing of a happy heart is due to His magnificent presence that dwells within His children.
There are random moments when an unexplainable seed of mirth springs up in the depths of my heart. My hands will sometimes quiver as I drive 8-) .... Butterflies begin to swarm through the inner parts of me. The hearts beating rate increases significantly and my face gradually tires from smiling for no purposeful cause. It will come to the point where my body is resistant towards sitting still. Pulling over becomes a necessity in order to remain alive and the happiness must be displayed in a shameless skip.
Everyone needs a good frolic and the occasional happy jump. They are activities that display a joyous heart. It's a clever way of unleashing the overwhelming mirth that lurks within.
I firmly believe that these sporadic outbursts of joy display God's apparent existence in our lives- His children. Understandable circumstances that revive tamed emotions aren’t always His nature. When His presence becomes distinct, the response of the person reaches unexplainable heights. The freeing reaction is frequently examined by others and influences their behavior. Perspectives of God's infinite ability to supply us with all that is desired may alter too. He's capable of equipping a child with a cheerful countenance. This reflects the bountiful elation that He discovers in showering us with various spurts of happiness; He loves to watch His people overcome with mirth.
Skipping one’s sorrows shamelessly away, and leaping reveals a jubilant spirit. God will grin at the uniquely spontaneous explosions of joy. Others will watch gleefully and some will fearlessly accompany you.
Habakkuk 3:18-19 I will rejoice in the God of my salvation! Yahweh my LORD is my strength; He makes my feet like those of a deer and enables me to walk on mountain heights!
Psalm 33:21-22 In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. Let your unfailing love surround us, LORD, for our hope is in you alone.
1 Samuel 18:6 They sang and danced for joy with tambourines and cymbals.
Psalm 65:8 Those who live at the ends of the earth stand in awe of your wonders. From where the sun rises to where it sets, you inspire shouts of joy.
Jeremiah 15:16 When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name.
Psalm 37:23
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
Isaiah 62:4
Never again will you be called “The Forsaken City” or “The Desolate Land.” Your new name will be “The City of God’s Delight” and “The Bride of God,” for the Lord delights in you and will claim you as his bride.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Imperishable Love Unraveled in His Abiding Presence
Enduring love is reflected in a personality that consists of an omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient character. People are in dire need of an everlasting presence. There are moments when the inner weavings of an individual's heart crave comforting company, and affirming words. The scavenge for such findings is first sought after in the physical/earthly realm. Chasing God's all-knowing and all-powerful self is a secondary response to arising troubles. The pursuit for the presence of the Creator lacks priority until destitution ensnares the spirit.
When despair covers the depths of an individuals heart reality is scrounged up. An unsatisfactory observation is unleashed. No human contains the ability to exceed all personal expectations. Post discovery of the daunting reality, devastation becomes the composition of the heart. Every person has the ceaseless capability of failing to surpass the expectancy of their surrounding people.
This is often perceived as a sorrowful discovery. Highlighting the truth in the present doesn't always beam forth a mirthful spirit. The production of honesty that was priorly planted will spring up a joyous outlook on life as time proceeds.
It is after encountering "rock bottom" on numerous dates that the mind will begin to partake in a new "first instinct". Instead of passionately pursuing human protection, one will spring into action to encounter the expanding arms of his/her Heavenly Father. The heart will begin to fancy the refuge that is unwrapped in the protective presence of the Maker. His beloved children frantically run to him when desperation encompasses them. Human interaction becomes second nature as individuals realize their friends and family lack to closely measure up to the unexplainalbe fulfillment found in His abiding presence (2 Chronicles 20:2-4).
Loneliness is never in existence. Abandonment is a falsehood. God's word states that he is with us (Psalm 33:18-22, 2 Kings 6:16-17, 1 Samuel 17:45-47, Jeremiah 1:18-19, Exodus 3:12, Daniel 3:21-27). It is in His mighty name that we can boldly, and faithfully approach His thrown; trusting that He will embrace us in our vulnerable state of surrendering everything to Him. The imperishable love that He has for his uniquely crafted masterpieces is in abundant supply.
When despair covers the depths of an individuals heart reality is scrounged up. An unsatisfactory observation is unleashed. No human contains the ability to exceed all personal expectations. Post discovery of the daunting reality, devastation becomes the composition of the heart. Every person has the ceaseless capability of failing to surpass the expectancy of their surrounding people.
This is often perceived as a sorrowful discovery. Highlighting the truth in the present doesn't always beam forth a mirthful spirit. The production of honesty that was priorly planted will spring up a joyous outlook on life as time proceeds.
It is after encountering "rock bottom" on numerous dates that the mind will begin to partake in a new "first instinct". Instead of passionately pursuing human protection, one will spring into action to encounter the expanding arms of his/her Heavenly Father. The heart will begin to fancy the refuge that is unwrapped in the protective presence of the Maker. His beloved children frantically run to him when desperation encompasses them. Human interaction becomes second nature as individuals realize their friends and family lack to closely measure up to the unexplainalbe fulfillment found in His abiding presence (2 Chronicles 20:2-4).
Loneliness is never in existence. Abandonment is a falsehood. God's word states that he is with us (Psalm 33:18-22, 2 Kings 6:16-17, 1 Samuel 17:45-47, Jeremiah 1:18-19, Exodus 3:12, Daniel 3:21-27). It is in His mighty name that we can boldly, and faithfully approach His thrown; trusting that He will embrace us in our vulnerable state of surrendering everything to Him. The imperishable love that He has for his uniquely crafted masterpieces is in abundant supply.
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